Sunday, 17 October 2010


How could I possibly explain the past few months?
This project has been at the core of my thoughts for a long time. Ever since coming up with the idea and writing the treatment for this project, I wasn't sure of the actual feasibility and possibility of everything going ahead.
My three years at university has allowed me to see projects grow and prosper throughout production, from new ideas to script re-writes and location changes to equipment failures. This has provided me with valuable skills and prepared me mentally to create and take on new challenges and develop my own projects.
The realization of the efforts to bring everything together for this project have been substantial. Ive had to consider the logistics, timing, raising finances, creating time to develop thoughts and ideas whilst still continuing with my studies. This has required considerable management and discipline.
My studies at university can help prepare, but can not replace the actual effort required to realize the task.
I feel proud that my passion and drive has brought me the opportunity for such a fantastic challenge.
Three months down the line I have raised over £1,500, met the 23 children I'll be accompanying to The Gambia, bought a semi-professional DSLR and most of all starved myself of alcohol and partying.
So far this project has been a whirlwind, with many ups and downs. I'm excited about the structure and planning that i have put in place for this documentary and I haven't even arrived in Africa yet.

Thank you to everyone that’s sponsored me and put something into this project, as i wouldn’t be going without you, but an even bigger thanks to those that believe in me and what I’m doing.
The only thing that can stop me now is my equipment. Mentally I'm ready and I have the best technology at hand. Be sure to check back here to see if I loose my mind or my camera blows up!
I haven’t established whether i'll have internet access whilst away, but if so this will be a blog updated daily and might even include a piece or two from some of The Commonweal School students featured in the documentary.

Another massive thank you to those that have helped, this will be as big as an experience for me as it will be for the students.
Ross Silcocks

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